DSSSB Recruitment 2020 *Latest Job Opportunities at dsssbonline.nic.in (Apply Online Application Form for Junior Clerk, A.E, Assistant, PGT, Group C & D 1502 Posts)
DSSSB Recruitment 2020-21 official notification for various Teaching, Non-teaching posts. Candidates can apply online application form here at dsssbonline.nic.in. Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board out various notification for feeling upto 01/2020 notice for 536 Vacancies for Store keeper, Section Officer (Horticulture), Assistant Engineer (Civil), Veterinary Livestock inspector, Stenographer (English), Stenographer (Hindi), Office superintendent, Pharmacist, Legal Assistant, Manager (Public relations), Junior Telephone operator, Junior Clerk, Draftman, Hindi translate- Cum assistant, Labour welfare inspector, Accountant, Lab assistant (Biology) Posts, 02/2020 notice for 710 PGT, EGVC Posts and other 03/2020 notification for Driver, store keeper , assistant various 256 vacancies and Upcoming notice going to out for 468 + 9233 vacancies for LDC, Steno, Jr lab asst, legal assistant, scientific assistant, Jr environmental Engineer, Welfare officer/ Probation officer/ Prison welfare officer, Junior Engineer & Assistant Engineer, TGT, PGT, PRT, Special Education Teacher, Asstt. Teacher (Nursery), Asstt. Teacher (Primary), Physical Education Teacher, Drawing Teacher, Domestic Science Teacher, Educational and Vocational Guidance Counsellor (EVGC),P GT Computer Science , Various Posts. Below we share notification, posts detail, vacancy, syllabus, result, more updates.
DSSSB Assistant Recruitment | 256 Vacancies Last date: 20-2-2020
Posts Name | Assistant, Store keeper, Driver, Various Posts |
Qualification | 8th, 10th, B.sc, Degree or Diploma |
Age limit | 18-27 years, 30 years, 37 years |
Notification Detail (03/2020) | Click Here |
Direct Apply Online | Click Here |
DSSSB Group B, Group C Recruitment | 536 Vacancies Last date: 6-2-2020
Posts Name | Junior Clerk & assistant Engg, Steno, Pharmacist, Various Posts |
Qualification | 10th, B.sc, Degree or Diploma |
Age limit | 18-35 years |
Notification Detail (01/2020) | Click Here |
Direct Apply Online | Click Here |
DSSSB Recruitment| 710 Vacancies | Last date: 14-2-2020
Posts Name | PGT Teacher and EGVC Counselor |
Qualification | Master Degree, PG OR Degree/ Diploma |
Age limit | 18-320years & 36 for PGT |
Notification Detail (02/2020) | CLICK HERE |
Direct Apply Online | CLICK HERE |
DSSSB Recruitment | 204 Vacancies
Posts Name | LDC, Steno, welfare, various Posts |
Qualification | 12th, Degree or Diploma |
Age limit | 18-30 years |
Notification Detail | Click Here |
Direct Apply Online | Click Here |
DSSSB Recruitment| 9232 Vacancies| Notification soon
Posts Name | tgt, pgt Various Teaching & non teaching Posts |
Qualification | Master Degree, BA, Bachelor degree, Diploma |
Age limit | 18-32 years & 36 for PGT |
Notification Detail | Available Soon |
Direct Apply Online |
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